Hello Israel

The bad is a push; the good is a relaxer.
If you ask me what is better for you, stress or flow, my answer would be pressure. Stress and negative emotions it’s some things that kick us out of our comfort zone, and from there, we start developing. If you were to ask me how that is, here is the most recent example. The war in Ukraine is definitely stressful for everyone, including my team and me personally. However, instead of giving up, we have decided that it is time to grow.

Due to all the events that happened to us in the last three months, we have decided that it is time to open a new office, an office in one of the most beautiful and modernized countries in the world.

We have opened an office in Tel-Aviv, Israel.

What does this mean to our partners? First of all, it means that now we are even closer and now not only with Zoom and eMail but physically as well. Second, now we help companies to hire not only Ukrainian developers but Israeli as well. Do you not think it is amazing?

So I think it’s time to welcome FNJ to Israel. Oh, and btw a little secret for all of my followers, this is just the begging of us going global. I would really like to use a quote here from the American Airlines safety video “cause great is what we are going for.” We are going for a great environment and for great people. For now, only from two points in the world, but take my word on it, we are going to spread and open new sites.

As always,
Always there for you.

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