Ways to expand your network

In today’s world, expanding your network is becoming popular and useful. The leading way is the use of social media. Today it is easy to connect with people from anywhere. Now, we are going to discuss how we can effectively build your network using social media and personal encounters.

What is Networking?

Let’s understand that networking is creation of a connection with others, either online or face-to-face, to exchange information and ideas. It can build relationships, find new opportunities, and learn new things. Back in the day, a person that we found online and talked to was called a penfriend, but today we call it a more modern way, networking.

There are tons of ways how you can expand your network:

  • Attend events and meetups related to your interests
  • Get involved in online communities related to your industry or passion
  • Connect with people you know from school or work
  • Meet new people by striking up conversations at social gatherings

Benefits of Networking

Networking can be beneficial for you. It can help you find a job, make new friends, and learn something new. Here are some examples of how networking can be beneficial:

  1. It can help in finding a job: When you network with other professionals, you can learn about new job opportunities and get suggestions for positions and openings that fit your skill set.
  2. It can help in making new friends: You can expand your social circle and make amazing connections when you meet new people through networking.
  3. It can help in learning new information: While networking with others, you can exchange ideas and knowledge. A little on the concept of shared knowledge. It is a key to success. If you are familiar with this term, most likely you have been through IB, or you are into philosophy; either way, good for you. Anyway, this can help you keep up with trends in your industry or learn about new technologies that could benefit your business.

How to Choose the Right Platforms

First things first, determine what platform and tools will work best for you, personally. There are a variety of social media platforms, each with its strengths and weaknesses, and you need to decide which platform will help you the most in the creation of your network. While working with the platforms, do not forget about the tools those platforms provide. We are talking about basic notifications, device choice, and all small details that can make working on your network easier.

Finally, don’t forget to monitor your progress and make adjustments as needed. Consider this as a project. Feel free to create a plan, a Kanban, or even a new Jira account only for networking. Keep an eye on your metrics and analyze how your content is performing. Make your strategy changes as needed to continue growing your network.

There are several platforms available to help you expand your network. LinkedIn is an excellent platform for connecting with other professionals in your field and can be used to find job opportunities, share industry news, and build relationships, especially when it comes to the IT field. However, LinkedIn is not the only platform. Twitter can also be used to connect with others in your area and is an excellent platform for sharing news and information. Facebook can be used to communicate with friends and family, and colleagues. Several networking events and conferences can be held online, which is a great way to meet new people and learn about new opportunities.

Tips To Remember When Networking Online

Networking online is somewhat similar to networking offline. However, there are a few caveats you need to know before jumping into it. First, be sure to connect with people who have similar interests, and this will help you build relationships faster and easier. Secondly, be active in  forums related to your industry or field. This will help you create a reputation as an expert in your area. Finally, always follow up with people you meet online, do not just write a message and then forget to respond. It is not polite. Whether it’s through a private message or a post on a forum, keeping the lines of communication open will help you maintain your network and expand it over time.


Meeting new people is an essential part of expanding your network. Whether it’s attending networking events, or conferences, joining a professional organization, or volunteering in your community, there are plenty of ways to meet like-minded individuals who can help you succeed. Taking the time to create meaningful relationships with those you encounter will help build trust and establish yourself as someone worth knowing. With the right attitude and effort, you’ll eventually find yourself surrounded by an impressive network that could open up opportunities for personal and professional growth.

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