Hybrid war, or the insurance of intellectual power

How do people in IT help in the war times?

As it turned out, you can help in hundreds of ways. However, volunteering has become the most common one.

The IT volunteer movement continues to gain momentum.

Thanks to our “IT volunteers.”, there is an opportunity to regularly provide financial aid, food, medical and coordination assistance to those who need it.

In addition to centralized fundraising, IT volunteers regularly contribute to Ukrainian support funds.

IT specialists have become masters of other professions during the war. For example, in procurement… They have become experts at finding and assessing the quality of goods. As it turned out, it is more difficult to find really high-quality products at an adequate price than just simply buy what is needed to organize the logistics of the supply chain and further distribution to the soldiers.

Just in case, I want to emphasize the fact that: volunteers spend their own money. Our volunteers equip our defenders with body armor and helmets, carry out unloading, find first-class military uniforms, purchase turnstiles, and much more.

The IT sphere is one of the few in Ukraine where specialists receive their salaries regularly and without delays. No one has ever laid off specialists in this field, and interestingly enough, if the IT specialists decide to join the ranks of defenders of the Motherland, their jobs are kept for them in most cases.

According to the Ukraine Association of Information Technology, 3% of all IT specialists in Ukraine are currently enlisted in the armed forces.

9% of Ukrainian IT specialists are employed in governmental projects and in cyber troops.

How do IT specialists help to bring the victory closer to Ukraine?

The IT sphere provides a regular flow of money into the state treasury. We will talk about a continuous line of tax investments in another article. This question deserves separate attention. And there is no doubt that the IT volunteer movement is actively supporting the defenders of Ukraine financially.

For security reasons, volunteers do not disclose information about the size and type of their assistance.

In the current situation, any self-respecting IT guru attracts third-party IT specialists to “donate” to the Ukrainian army. It is also easy for IT gurus to create the necessary web pages to raise funds for the needs of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Also, if not the IT specialists, who will take care of the information security of the state.

Cyber troops are on guard 24/7, not letting the enemy break into the cyber borders of Ukraine.

More than three months have passed since the start of the war in Ukraine. And it’s a fact that our IT specialists have proven to be professional at their best. Unlike other industrial countries, our IT specialists open another front, the one that does not hurt people but really affects the government, the cyber front. They have shown us that the war in the 21st century should not be about blood. It should be about intellectual power.

#SlavaUkraine #LetTheBrainsSaveUsAll

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