Why are Ukrainian developers in high demand all over the world?

Today, the US and Israel see Ukraine as a country that offers a treasure: more than 100,000 qualified developers are available to work and profitable to hire.

FNJ offers the best Ukrainian software developers and helps prepare and relocate candidates to the USA, Canada, and European countries.

What are the advantages of developers from Ukraine?

  • ability to perform complex tasks;
  • great performance;
  • the ability to communicate (in particular, say the word “no” if the customer’s request does not match the capabilities of the technology).

The IT business in Ukraine has gone from simple outsourcing to deep expertise and turned into an IT service.

Ukrainian specialists began to take on projects to develop innovative technologies with holistic solutions. And they got to service consulting: they began to offer a comprehensive solution to the client’s business problems.

Now our specialists can create, promote and sell IT products in global markets. Software development centers appeared – R & D centers (large product IT companies). Employees of these local research and development centers have the opportunity to communicate with the headquarters, learn from the experience of colleagues from the US and Europe.

For example, Israeli IT companies turn to developers in Ukraine and even development centers. The demand for Ukrainian specialists among Israeli high-tech companies is growing.

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