Ukrainian IT Industry Today

Let’s talk about … IT World in Ukraine in 2022 

Since February 24, 2022, the whole WORLD has been changed by the war in Ukraine. People stood up to protect the innocent population of Ukraine from Russia. The IT WORLD was not an exception. 

A little background…

Let’s go back 15 to 20 years. Back then, the success of the Ukrainian economy depended entirely on steel and grain exports. Of course, if it had continued like that, the economy of Ukraine risked remaining raw material-based for a long time. 

The situation changed dramatically when IT technologies came into play.

The rise of the IT industry in Ukraine. 

In recent years, the evolution of the IT-sphere has brought Ukraine closer to the number of developed countries.

The question is, why? The answer lies on the surface. The IT industry offers a decent level of income and comfortable working conditions. THE WAR CAN NOT CHANGE THAT!

Since the beginning of the war, a considerable part of IT specialists in Ukraine was forced to leave for the EU, Canada, the US, and other countries in order to continue working (most of them remotely), receive a salary without delays, and continue to pay taxes and help their country. 

If we talk about the situation today, the Ukrainian IT specialists are increasingly deciding to stay at home, no matter what. They are not afraid of sirens, possible explosions, and the possibility of being left on the street. They are at home – and that is the main point. 

The large IT companies in Ukraine retain their staff and full salary payments. As for tax payments, nothing has changed; the banks and governmental agencies did not stop working even for a day, so basically, nothing has changed paperwork vice. 

Even in conditions of the war and the situation in the country as a whole, Ukraine retains the right to be considered one of the biggest markets for IT specialists in Europe.

According to the “IT Ukraine” Association, in January 2022, the IT sector in Ukraine has increased its services exports to $6.8 billion. 

Based on the data, this corresponds to more than a third of all Ukrainian exports. 

According to studies, in January 2022, the IT industry will employ about 300,000 professionals. 

However, it is wartime after all, and something has changed. After February 24, the IT army emerged.

Yes, there is a whole cyber-army of professional “killers” of Russian websites in Ukraine. According to recent data, the IT army in Ukraine also includes over 300,000 people. Among them are both professionals and volunteers. 

As for our agency, in conditions of war, we have not stopped; we continue to help IT specialists to find high-paying jobs and companies find professional employees. For us, the war is a challenge! We accepted it and began to walk confidently towards the victory, great Ukraine. Quick inside info, I will be posting more about it soon…

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