Looking for a job? We are here for you.

“I’m a displaced person and now I’m looking for a job” I’m sure that you, like me, have heard this phrase more than once. Alas, the IT industry is no exception and some talented developers from Ukraine have lost their jobs.

But there are also those IT specialists who left their homes even during the war and moved either to western Ukraine or to Europe in search of a better and, most importantly, safe life and decent job.

What is happening to the market of IT industry in Ukraine in the realities of 2022?

Well, everything is not so bad, at least on IT-industry workers keep not a small part of the economy of the country.

Young, goal-oriented guys are paving the way for the future of Ukrainian IT-sector. If people talk about our country’s specialists, if they are known all over the world, we will be able to continue our work in full force and gain new clients and new orders. Our technical minds have already proved that even in war conditions, Ukrainian IT sector is stress-resistant. And mega able to work.

Yes, the IT labor market in Ukraine has changed, though it is still developing. And yes, some companies have to lay off employees and stop hiring new ones. It’s all about the fact that it’s hard for companies to survive in the new environment. They lose projects, or, in order not to lose customers, they open offices abroad, and consequently new vacancies appear outside of Ukraine. And at the same time we are super happy that there are many companies who have stayed on the local market and even keep on hiring new employees for positions in Ukraine.

So, is there demand for IT specialists from Ukraine in European countries? My answer is yes, let’s discuss it.

To begin with, let me repeat. Despite the fact that it is still the only industry that works for export, the labor market in this industry has decreased. In today’s realities, Ukrainian specialists have access to job offers both in their native Ukraine and in European countries such as Poland, Germany, France, Great Britain, and this is not the whole list. After all, in spite of the situation in Ukraine and in the world in general, the only things an IT specialist needs for work are a laptop and internet.

And now about the business … In any company there are 20% of developers who make 80% of the result. We have just those guys, the mass – is not for us. What are we doing now, you ask? Yes, we are doing the same thing we usually do – we are helping IT companies, but not only in Ukraine now, but also in Europe and Israel to get the best developers in Ukraine. It’s very simple – we have a product and we are looking for a worthy customer.

At the moment, our company has established another office in Israel. Our clients – it is still large IT-companies from Ukraine, Israel and European countries such as Germany, England and Poland.

We are open to new horizons.

The war in Ukraine has lasted for over 120 days, but we continue to fight and live on. Glory to Ukraine.

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