Online Security

Regardless of the size or type of business, you need a strategy to keep your network secure wherever your network infrastructure is used. Network security is essential to protect corporate networks from unauthorized access and activities.
Threats to network data and infrastructure include hackers, malware, and viruses that seek to access, alter, or compromise the network.
Use reliable antivirus software to protect devices connected to the network.
Network devices must be fault-tolerant and capable of rapid recovery.
The enterprise’s local network must be fault-tolerant and provide for the possibility of quick recovery if necessary. You can provide for an immediate transition from one resource to another in case of the first failure.
Network Security Tools:

  • proxy servers;
  • systems for detecting and preventing hacking threats;
  • means of protection against targeted attacks;
  • firewalls;
  • network monitoring systems;
  • VPN.

With the help of these tools, you can protect corporate infrastructure from hacking, ensure a secure connection to the network of external devices, monitor software operation, safely conduct banking operations, etc.

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